puh kihsh (sometimes cap.) mischievous or playful; impish. I realized he was kidding when he broke into a puckish grin.
Word of the Day
Daily definitions and usage information for all who want to increase and hone their vocabulary.
ihn dI jə nəs adjective having origin in a country or locality; native (usu. fol. by to). The turkey is indigenous to North and Central America. The indigenous people of Hawaii suffered…
bi ae tih tud noun 1. absolute or supreme happiness or blessedness. The tax-collector walked behind his wife, and watching her downcast, sorrowful, humiliated little figure, he recalled the look of beatitude which had so irritated…
vael hae lə noun in Scandinavian mythology, the hall where Odin receives and enshrines the heroes who have died bravely in battle.
mə ka brə adjective of, pertaining to, depicting, or evoking death or the horrors of death; gruesome; ghastly. The bloody battlefield was a macabre sight. Macabre scenes in the graveyard terrified the…