lIm pihd adjective 1. perfectly clear; transparent. We could see the rocks at the bottom of the limpid pool. 2. clear in style or meaning; lucid. He’s known for his limpid prose….
Word of the Day
Daily definitions and usage information for all who want to increase and hone their vocabulary.
puhr sə nə bəl adjective pleasing in manner or appearance; friendly; attractive. She found her boyfriend’s father quite personable, but his mother seemed somewhat cold and humorless.
kraws greInd adjective 1. of lumber, having a grain that runs across or diagonally to the length. 2. (informal) stubborn or hard to deal with. He was a cross-grained man, oppressed by…
swath noun 1. the width or path cut by one pass of a scythe, mower, or the like. 2. grass, grain, or the like cut and deposited along a line. 3. a…
o tuhr noun a director whose films display a distinctive personal style. Alfred Hitchcock, Quentin Tarantino, and Wes Anderson can all be regarded as auteurs.