ae pə ji 1. the point in the orbit of the moon or of a man-made satellite that is farthest from the earth. (Cf. perigee.) When the moon is at apogee, its…
Word of the Day
Daily definitions and usage information for all who want to increase and hone their vocabulary.
ə sen shən noun 1. the act or process of rising; ascent. 2. (cap.) in Christian theology, the bodily ascent of Jesus Christ to heaven, after his death. 3. (cap.) the festival…
saId lawng adjective 1. directed to one side, as a motion or glance. Annoyed, he cast a sidelong glance at her, hoping she would let him speak. As they walked together, she…
aen ti hi ro noun a central character in a story, novel, or play who lacks traditional heroic qualities, such as high purpose or moral strength. The most celebrated television series in…
pro tae gə nihst the leading character in a literary work. At this point in the play, the protagonist realizes what he must do to overcome his foe. Word Parts The…