kae rəm intransitive verb to strike and rebound from another object or surface (usu. fol. by off). The baseball caromed off the wall.
Word of the Day
Daily definitions and usage information for all who want to increase and hone their vocabulary.
baes chən noun 1. a pentagon-shaped portion of a rampart or fortification that projects outward. From the bastion of the castle, they could see the army advancing. 2. a fortified or well-protected…
mez mə raIz verb to induce a hypnotic trance in; hypnotize. The psychiatrist spoke in a lulling voice when he mesmerized his patients. to hold the attention or compel the obedience of,…
yu to pi ə noun (often cap.) an imagined or proposed place or society that is ideal, esp. in its laws, ethics, and customs. In his vision of utopia, there would be…
kwihk sa tihk adjective absurdly and impractically gallant or idealistic. His quixotic plan to become the hero of the people by establishing farms in the desert was ill-conceived.