All three of these conjunctive adverbs are used to indicate that you have something more to say than what you’ve just said. They are a little like conversational traffic signs that say…
Wordsmyth Features: Lookup History
The Lookup History feature records every dictionary entry a user has recently looked up. Going back through your recent Wordsmyth searches is a great way to keep track of words you’ve learned…
Wordsmyth Features: Display Options
The Display Options menu shows and hides different features in Wordsmyth’s dictionary entry display. This menu is available at the top of every entry and can be used to make changes at…
Wordsmyth Features: Entry Display
Wordsmyth Dictionary’s entry display menu contains enhanced browsing and word learning features. These integrated features let users choose what information to include in their dictionary entries. The entry display menu also manages…
Introducing Grammatical Patterns!
The Grammatical Patterns feature offers a comprehensive guide to the structural patterns of verbs and is accompanied by a detailed yet easy-to-understand glossary of general grammatical terms that clarifies these concepts for…