riposte noun definition 1: a quick return thrust in fencing, made after parrying a lunge by one’s opponent. definition 2: a sharp response, usually spoken; retort. example: At the press conference, the…
WOTD: foible
foible noun definition 1: a minor flaw or weakness in personality, character, or behavior.example: Always forgetting our birthdays was just one of our dad’s foibles. definition 2: a sword blade’s weaker part,…
Candidate words for Wordsmyth WOTY 2019
bullying I chose the word bullying because there is a lot of bullying going on in our school. Sometimes nothing gets done about it because some of the kids are scared to…
Vote for Word of the Year 2019
Before you vote, please read the stories and reflections behind the candidate words.
Defining Words in WILD: Descriptive Definitions
Definitions for the Wordsmyth Illustrated Learner’s Dictionary (WILD) are written in what is called a “descriptive,” or “explanatory,” style. This type of defining uses full sentences as opposed to the sentence fragments…