catechize verb definition 1: to teach (someone) by a question and answer method, especially religious principles.example: The law in colonial Connecticut required parents to catechize their children every week. definition 2: to…
WOTD: broach
broach noun definition 1: a tapered tool for making, shaping, or enlarging holes; gimlet. definition 2: the hole made by such a tool. definition 3: a spit for roasting meat. transitive verb…
WOTD: beachhead
beachhead noun definition 1: the initial position or area that invading troops try to secure when landing on an enemy shore. definition 2: a position that allows for the possibility of further…
WOTD: sportive
sportive adjective definition 1: fun-loving; playful.example: He dared not raise the question of marriage, for she was in a sportive mood and would not take him seriously. definition 2: of, relating to,…
WOTD: expostulate
expostulate verb definition 1: to argue earnestly with someone, usually against an intended action.example: The drunken passenger expostulated with the flight attendant as she escorted him off the plane. See the…