skru p@l noun definition 1: a moral or ethical consideration or doubt that gives rise to uneasiness, hesitation, or restraint; qualm.example: The man had no scruples and didn’t think twice before swindling…
WOTD: demur
dih muhrintransitive verbdefinition 1: to object or indicate opposition to something.example: When it was suggested that the requirement be dropped, many of the teachers demurred.example: For diplomacy’s sake, I demur here from commenting on which…
WOTD: spire
spaIr noundefinition 1: a tall, narrow, cone-shaped roof or upward projection on a building or outer wall; steeple; pinnacle.example: Construction crews at the World Trade Center hoisted a flag-bedecked spire to the…
WOTD: welter
wel t@r intransitive verb definition 1: to become involved or entangled, often overwhelmingly.example: He is weltering in paperwork.definition 2. to roll about or wallow, as in mud or the open seas.example: The ship…
Citing the Wordsmyth Dictionaries in a Reference List
The following is a basic formula for citing a particular word’s entry in one of our dictionaries, which you can modify according to whatever style guide you are using. (Specific examples using…