animus noun definition 1: motivating force; intention.example: The principal animus for a harmonious polity, I think, is religious. definition 2: a feeling or attitude of enmity.example: The animus between the two lead…
WOTD: machinate
mach·i·nate verb definition 1: to invent, plot, scheme, or devise artfully, especially with malicious intent.example: He sat alone in the bar, machinating his revenge. See the full entry Quotation From Literature So…
WOTD: phyllotaxy
phyl·lo·tax·y noun definition 1: the arrangement of plant leaves along a stem, or the principles governing this arrangement. definition 2* : the study of these principles. derived word: phyllotactic, adj. See the…
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WOTD: noisome
noI səm adjective definition 1. offensive or disgusting, esp. in smell; foul.example: The field hospital was a noisome place that reeked of human filth and human misery. See the full entry How…