contrive transitive verb definition 1: to plan cleverly or ingeniously; devise; invent.example: The prisoner contrived his escape with great care. She contrived an excuse that was wholly believable. definition 2: to scheme…
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WOTD: pellucid
pel·lu·cid adjective definition 1* : allowing maximum light to pass through; transparent. definition 2: extremely clear in meaning.example: It’s an invaluable textbook because its pellucid prose makes difficult concepts easy to grasp….
WOTD: jounce
jounce verb definition 1: to move or be moved jerkily and unevenly; bounce.example: The car jounced over a particularly rough piece of road. noun* a jerky and uneven movement; bounce. See the…
WOTD: behemoth
be·he·moth noun definition 1* : a huge beast, perhaps a hippopotamus, mentioned in the Book of Job in the Old Testament. definition 2** : any enormous or powerful creature or thing. See…