execrable adjective definition 1: of very poor quality; extremely inferior.example: This is an execrable wine that should never have been served to the guests. definition 2: worthy of hatred or disgust; loathsome;…
aesthetic vs. ascetic
aesthetic |es the tik|vs. ascetic | ə se tik| These words have similar pronunciations and spellings, but quite different meanings. The word “aesthetic” –with the “th” sound in the middle–has to do with beauty, so if you’re…
WOTD: ascetic
ascetic noun definition: one who practices extreme self-denial, especially of material comforts and pleasures, and especially for religious reasons.example: He had come to see no value in material things and joined a…
Words of the Week
Here are the words of the day for the past week. With the Wordsmyth Vocabulary Center activities, you can study these words, play games with them, and assess your knowledge of their…
WOTD: disincentive
disincentive noun definition: something that reduces the motivation or inclination to work or act, especially an economic deterrent.example: Higher taxes can serve as a disincentive to entrepreneurship. See the full entry