Here are the words of the day for the past week. With the Wordsmyth Vocabulary Center activities, you can study these words, play games with them, and assess your knowledge of their…
WOTD: connive
connive intransitive verb definition 1: to join secretly in a plot; conspire (often followed by “with”).example: The policeman was conniving with the smugglers and sharing their profits. definition 2: to ignore or…
WOTD: fractious
fractious adjective definition 1: inclined to be irritable and quarrelsome; cranky.example: The kids were getting very fractious after hours in the car. definition 2: headstrong and hard to discipline; unruly. See the…
What are collocations?
In recent years, Wordsmyth has offered a feature called “Word Combinations” that lists words that typically combine with the headword that one has looked up. A more technical term for “word combinations”…
WOTD: inure
inure transitive verb definition: to accustom to something unpleasant, especially by continuous or lengthy experience.example: Life in prison had inured him to lack of privacy. intransitive verb definition: to come into use;…