nebula noundefinition 1: a cloud of interstellar dust or gas or both, that may appear as either a light or dark mass depending on how it absorbs, reflects, or re-emits incident radiation….
WOTD: interstellar
interstellar adjective definition: existing or occurring between or among the stars.example: Some interstellar dust passes through our solar system. See the full entry Quotation: She was poring over the recipes adapted to…
What does the “unsaved” icon mean?
When you edit an existing word list but didn’t click the “preview and save” button, you will see this button next to your list in “My Word Lists.” It means that we…
WOTD: android
android nouna robot or machine having human characteristics. See the full entry Quotations: “I have a glitch, too. Sometimes I forget that I’m not human. I don’t think that happens to most…
WOTD: telekinesis
telekinesis noun definition: a scientifically inexplicable power to move objects without physical contact, as by means of psychic forces. Quotation: “I try to use my telekinesis to pull Nine towards me, but…