Here are the words of the day for the past week. With the Wordsmyth Vocabulary Center activities, you can study these words, play games with them, and assess your knowledge of their…
WOTD: obeisance
obeisance noun definition 1: a gesture of the body, such as a bow, made to indicate respect or submission.example: He made his humble obeisance to his lord and set off on his…
WOTD: beleaguer
beleaguer transitive verb definition 1: to lay siege to by surrounding with troops; besiege.example: Enemy soldiers beleaguered the city, and within days it fell. definition 2: to beset with hardships or difficulties….
WOTD: obsequious
obsequious adjective definition: showing or tending to show servile obedience or deference; fawning.example: I would like your honest opinion, not just obsequious compliments. The obsequious relatives made frequent visits to their elderly…
WOTD: imprimatur
imprimatur noun definition 1: an official license to print or publish, especially one issued by the Roman Catholic censor. definition 2: any official permission or sanction.example: Without the imprimatur of the FDA,…