flagrant adjective definition 1: exceptionally or glaringly noticeable.example: The audience tittered at the speaker’s flagrant slip of the tongue. definition 2: exceptionally bad; disgraceful; scandalous.examples: He could never return after his flagrant…
WOTD: blatant
blatant adjective definition 1: completely obvious or undisguised, sometimes offensively so.examples: The hostility between the two women was blatant. He resented their blatant attempt to win him over. His blatant adoration of…
WOTD: scathe
scathe transitive verb definition 1: to injure with criticism.examples: The writer scathed his contemporaries with his sardonic humor.The politician was so popular that no criticism from the press could scathe him. definition 2:…
WOTD: scintilla
scintilla noun definition: a tiny amount; trace.example: There was not a scintilla of truth in the rumor. See the full entry Note: “Scintilla” is usually used in negative constructions, as in “not…
WOTD: fantast
fantast noun definition: one given to fanciful, impractical dreams; visionary. See the full entry Quotation: “To come down to earth” is, in ordinary speech, to get to reality, to face the facts,…