Many young children are still having difficulty understanding why they are having to stay at home these days and why they are not going to school. Many children may be confused and…
Animated vocabulary instruction for kids!
Having trouble making basic, essential concepts clear to your young students? WILD animations can help! In addition to thousands of colorful static images created by our artists, the Wordsmyth Illustrated Learner’s Dictionary…
WOTD: heroism
noun courageous behavior, or courageous acts collectively.The firefighters were praised for their acts of heroism on the night of the fire.We see heroism every day as medical personnel and hospital workers put…
WOTD: amity
noun friendly and peaceful relations; good will.We hope for continued amity between our two nations.Considering their bitter divorce, the amity that exists between the two of them now is both surprising and…
WOTD: resilience
noun 1. the ability to resume shape after being pressed or stretched.Rubber is remarkable in its resilience. 2. the capacity to withstand and recover quickly from difficulty, misfortune, sickness, or the like.Her…