1. a puzzle or problem with a difficult or impossible solution.Who or what produced these mysterious crop circles is still a conundrum for scientists.How to continue to provide necessary services to the…
WOTD: daunt
transitive verb to lessen the determination of; intimidate; discourage.The size of the task daunted him and he decided to reconsider.Though the challenge was great, they were not daunted by it. See the…
WOTD: spectrum
noun 1. an array of a physical system or phenomenon according to the magnitude of one of its properties such as mass or wavelength, esp. an array of light in the order…
adjective not recorded on any map or chart; unexplored or unknown, as some geographical area or field of research.The storm had sent the ship off course and into uncharted waters. See the…
Student & ELL Dictionary App
Wordsmyth’s new app is available on App Store and Google Play and can be used with or without internet connection. If you want to purchase the app for your whole school, it…