adjective (sometimes capitalized) of enormous proportions; huge; gigantic.This ill-considered decision caused gargantuan problems for the company down the line.He’d developed a gargantuan thirst working on the roof. See the full entry
WOTD: echelon
noun 1. a level of authority or rank, as in an organization.She overcame numerous obstacles to reach the top echelon in her company. 2. a formation of troops, planes, or ships in…
WOTD: ominous
adjective 1. indicating or threatening future evil or unpleasantness.The black clouds looked ominous, so we paddled toward the shore.The messenger conveyed an ominous warning. 2. of or serving as an omen, esp….
WOTD: qualm
noun 1. a feeling of guilt, doubt, or misgiving.She had no qualms about taking the money. 2. an abrupt and unexpected faint, nauseated, or sick feeling. See the full entry
Wordlist Maker User Guide
“Automatic text analysis” is the default setting Wordsmyth’s Wordlist Maker is preset for automatic text analysis and automatic word extraction. Type, or copy and paste, any text into the input box. Then…