transitive verb 1. to construct or create.The knives are fabricated out of stainless steel. 2. to put together by assembling.The entire home is fabricated in the factory. 3. to invent with the…
WOTD: effigy
noun 1. a likeness of a person, usu. sculpted, as on a tomb.In the chapel, we viewed a marble effigy of the queen with her hands folded in prayer. 2. a constructed…
WOTD: jeopardize
transitive verb to cause to be in danger or at risk; imperil.This scandal is jeopardizing her position in the company.If you fail chemistry this year, you will jeopardize your chances of getting…
WOTD: ramification
noun 1. the act or process of dividing into branches, or an arrangement of branching parts. 2. a branching or subordinate part. 3. a consequence or related aspect of something; offshoot.The interest…
WOTD: abdicate
intransitive verb to formally relinquish a position of power, a claim, or a right.The ailing king was advised to abdicate. transitive verb 1. to relinquish or renounce (a position of power or…