Teachers, the Wordsmyth Vocabulary Center offers some of the best vocabulary-teaching tools you’ll find online and supports your curriculum’s vocabulary component for all subjects. In addition, it provides a remarkably easy way for your students to personalize their vocabulary learning on their own.
WOTD: quibble
noun an unimportant, petty, or trivial disagreement or objection.You may consider this a quibble, but I think the font you’re using is too small. intransitive verb to evade the truth of a…
WILD’s Interactive World Maps
WILD’s interactive map of the world’s continents and countries, found in the Maps Collection, allows children to navigate from the world level, to the continent level, to the region and country level, and back up again. And all along the way, children have an opportunity to read and find out more about each place in the world they encounter.
WOTD: gentry
noun 1. people who come from families of high social standing.She’d grown up among the gentry and felt perfectly comfortable in the posh country club. 2. in England, members of the upper…
WOTD: rampant
adjective 1. unrestrained or uncontrollable; unbridled.The period was characterized by rampant corruption in city government.Vines are becoming rampant in the garden. 2. violent in nature or behavior; raging.a rampant storm 3. of…