noun unnatural paleness, esp. of the face.Seeing his pallor, I guessed him to be very ill. See the full entry
WOTD: jargon
noun 1. technical or specialized words or expressions, as of a science or profession, sometimes considered to be unnecessary or confusing when used in general parlance.To be a successful lawyer you have…
ReadWorks vocabulary widget powered by Wordsmyth
Working in partnership with the acclaimed ReadWorks reading program, Wordsmyth is powering the new “ReadWorks Vocabulary Widget,” now live at The new vocabulary widget is automatically available for students to use…
WOTD: omnipotent
adjective 1. possessing infinite power; all-powerful.They believe in an omnipotent god. 2. possessing arbitrary or great omnipotent judge noun (cap.) the supreme deity; God (usu. prec. by the). See the full…
WOTD: kindred
noun 1. a group of related people, such as a tribe or clan.No one among our kindred would commit such an evil act. 2. one’s relatives; kinfolk.He and all his kindred were…