noun 1. ruin or devastation.The storm wreaked havoc on the cottages along the shore. 2. chaos.The widespread power failure, which took out all the traffic signals, created havoc with the rush-hour traffic….
WOTD: illustrious
adjective highly renowned; celebrated; glorious.He didn’t dare follow in the footsteps of his illustrious father, as he was sure he would never measure up.Her illustrious career as a judge is detailed in…
Words of the Week
Here are the words of the day for the past week. With the Wordsmyth Vocabulary Center activities, you can study these words, play games with them, and assess your knowledge of their…
Reset Your Password
If you forget your password, you can reset it by clicking “Forgot your password?” on the sign up screen. On the next screen, type in your email address, and click “Reset Password”….
WOTD: wasteland
noun 1. land that is barren or unsuitable for vegetation.Trees do not grow on the tundra, but it is far from being a wasteland as it is abundant with lichen, mosses, and…