noun the state or condition of being tedious, dull, or wearisome; monotony.Helping customers find things in the store broke up the tedium of stocking the shelves. See the full entry
Words of the Week
Here are the words of the day for the past week. With the Wordsmyth Vocabulary Center activities, you can study these words, play games with them, and assess your knowledge of their…
WOTD: farce
noun 1. a comedy that depends for its humor on quick and surprising turns of events and on exaggerated characters and situations, or the type of humor characteristic of such a play.Oscar…
WOTD: savory
adjective 1. having a pleasant taste or smell; appetizing.She couldn’t wait to try the exotic and savory dishes on the buffet. 2. not sweet; piquant or salty.He prefers savory snacks such as…
WOTD: ungainly
adjective lacking gracefulness or ease of movement; clumsy; awkward.He thought himself ungainly and feared being pressed into dancing. See the full entry