noun a person who thinks and behaves independently, esp. one who refuses to adhere to the orthodoxy of the group to which he or she belongs.The priest’s radical views made him a…
WOTD: perilous
adjective causing or involving great danger; risky; hazardous.The settlers embarked on a perilous journey up the mighty river.For three days, the ship tossed on perilous seas. See the full entry
WOTD: glut
transitive verb 1. to supply (a market) with much more of a particular article than there is demand for.The market was glutted with videocassette recorders. 2. to fill with an excess, esp….
WOTD: topography
noun 1. the shape, height or depth, and location of the surface features of a place, area, or region.The formation of some clouds is influenced by topography.a hilly topography 2. the mapping,…
WOTD: scorch
transitive verb 1. to burn slightly, esp. without setting aflame.She scorched her blouse with the iron. 2. to dry or wither by subjecting to intense heat.The sun scorched a patch of grass…