noun 1. a fundamental reason for doing or being; basis.The attack on the naval base provided the rationale for going to war. 2. an argument, statement, or sequence of logical steps amounting…
WOTD: emblem
noun 1. an object or its representation, functioning as a symbol.A police officer’s badge is an emblem of authority. 2. a distinctive sign or design that identifies something.The maple leaf is an…
Weekly Quiz
With the Wordsmyth Vocabulary Center activities, you can study these words, play games with them, and assess your knowledge of their meanings with a quiz. Click here to go to the Vocabulary…
WOTD: ebb
noun 1. the retreating or flowing back of a tidal flow from the land to the sea; ebb tide. 2. the act or condition of decline or regression, as from a high…
WOTD: nonchalant
adjective not showing excitement or anxiety; coolly confident, unflustered, or unworried; casually indifferent.The first suspect was nervous and edgy, but the second was completely nonchalant. See the full entry