noun 1. an expression of sorrow or regret.The parole board listened to the prisoner’s lament over what he had done, but they were not convinced of its sincerity.Filled with lament and longing,…
WOTD: rational
adjective 1. sensible or reasoned.Deciding to stay in during the ice storm was a rational choice.Fear of a spider known to be venomous is completely rational, but intense fear of harmless spiders…
WOTD: knack
noun 1. an innate talent; facility.She’s a great interviewer with a knack for getting people to relax and reveal things about themselves.I had to take classes in flower arranging, but my mother…
Quiz of the Week
With the Wordsmyth Vocabulary Center activities, you can study these words, play games with them, and assess your knowledge of their meanings with a quiz. Click here to go to the Vocabulary…
WOTD: charisma
noun 1. an unusual ability to influence people and arouse devotion.His charisma inspired his followers to amazing self-sacrifices.They say his charisma was a large factor in his winning the election. 2. in…