intransitive verb 1. to fail to operate or function.Many soldiers died when their parachutes malfunctioned. 2. to function or operate poorly.The lawnmower has been malfunctioning recently, and I need to have somebody…
Weekly Quiz
With the Wordsmyth Vocabulary Center activities, you can study these words, play games with them, and assess your knowledge of their meanings with a quiz. Click here to go to the Vocabulary…
WOTD: maneuver
noun 1. a planned military movement, as of troops, ships, or tanks.The maneuver was carried out according to plan. 2. (pl.) a series of such movements used as a military training exercise.The…
WOTD: offend
transitive verb 1. to anger, annoy, or provoke resentment in.The speaker’s harsh criticisms offended some members of the audience.Cruelty to animals offends most people.The statement was perceived as an ethnic slur, and…