transitive verb 1. to enrage or inflame.It maddens his wife when he stays out late and doesn’t call. 2. to cause to become insane; drive mad. intransitive verb to become mad with…
WOTD: seismic
adjective of, concerning, or resulting from an earthquake.Seismic shocks rocked the entire area.
WOTD: zest
noun 1. great pleasure; keen enjoyment; relish.The elderly woman’s zest for living made her seem much younger.He set to work on the project with great zest. 2. sharpness or intensity of flavor.This…
WOTD: rant
intransitive verb to speak or complain loudly and vehemently.He’s always ranting about politics, and I’m tired of hearing his complaints. transitive verb to utter with great vehemence.
WOTD: ideological
adjective of or concerning basic beliefs, concepts, and social and political aims of an individual, group, or institution; of or concerning ideology.The ideological differences between capitalists and socialists are great.