adjective most reliable, complete, or authoritative.This book contains the definitive history of the French Revolution. having a complete, fixed, or final form.Before all the facts are in, it’s impossible to give a…
WOTD: temperate
adjective 1. characterized by moderation or self-control; restrained.He was known as a hot-headed radical, but his wife held more temperate opinions.Temperate behavior was always expected of the church minister as well as…
WOTD: undergo
transitive verb to be subjected to, esp. to endure or suffer.She’ll have to undergo another operation on her spine.The government underwent many reforms under the new leadership.Our family underwent a tremendous strain…
WOTD: census
noun an official count and statistical survey of a population, usu. conducted at periodic intervals.In the United States, a national census is taken every ten years.The demographic information we have is based…
Weekly Quiz
With the Wordsmyth Vocabulary Center activities, you can study these words, play games with them, and assess your knowledge of their meanings with a quiz. Click here to go to the Vocabulary…