adjective 1. lacking some essential part, element, substance, or characteristic.Their diet is deficient in vitamin C.She finds her daughter-in-law deficient in good manners.The struggling nation is rich in natural resources but deficient…
WOTD: bile
noun 1. a bitter yellowish secretion of the liver that aids in the digestion of fats. 2. ill temper or anger; irritability.His mind filled with bile, he vowed to take revenge on…
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WOTD: medieval
adjective of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Middle Ages.Many peasants were made serfs during medieval times in Europe.We toured a medieval castle while visiting France. See the full entry
WOTD: levy
noun 1. the collection or conscription of money, property, or troops by a government or other authority.The government imposed new levies on imports. 2. what is collected in this way.The levy is…