vaUch seIf [or] vauch seIf transitive verb to grant or give with condescension or as a special favor. At long last, the company president vouchsafed us fifteen minutes of his precious time…
@ beIt intransitive verb to become less in amount, degree, or intensity; subside. The wind died down as the storm abated. Their anger abated after they received a good explanation. When the…
k@ lud intransitive verb to act together through a secret agreement or plan, esp. for illicit purposes; conspire. The two women colluded in stealing money from their employer. He refused to collude…
fae stI di @s adjective exceedingly particular or demanding esp. in matters of detail; exacting. She was not particularly fond of organizing and keeping records, and so she appreciated an assistant who…
teInt transitive verb 1. to slightly corrupt or pollute. Sulfur tainted the water supply. Her surly manner tainted her beauty. 2. to tarnish, as with moral wrongness. Their victory was tainted by…