taer i intransitive verb 1. to delay or postpone starting or acting; linger. If you tarry much longer, you won’t finish in time.
k@ raUz intransitive verb to revel in a boisterous and drunken manner. They’d been carousing in the bar and were now staggering home, still singing and shouting.
lae b@ rIn thihn [or] lae b@ rIn thin adjective 1. of, resembling, or forming a labyrinth. We followed our guide through the labyrinthine catacombs.
gr@ tu ih t@s [or] grae tu ih t@s adjective 1. given or done without sufficient reason or justification; unwarranted. The movie’s gratuitous violence earned it low ratings from critics. 2. given…
bal mi adjective 1. gentle, mild, and soothing. They prefer the balmy climate of the South Sea Islands. 2. fragrant, like a balm. The tropical air was balmy with the scent of…