re jih saId noun 1. the murder of a king. Many around the young king feared that the nobles were plotting regicide.
e pih kyuhr noun a person who has cultivated tastes, as in food or wine; connoisseur. I think even my father-in-law the epicure would approve of the food at this restaurant.
traenz poz transitive verb 1. to exchange the position or order of (two things). He accidentally transposes the “t” and the “h” when he types too fast.
he k@l transitive verb to interrupt (someone) during a public speech or performance with intentionally annoying pr provocative remarks or questions. Angry members of the audience heckled the speaker so much that…
rih kwaIt transitive verb 1. to return in kind; give or feel in return. She cared for him but could not requite his love.