kaen taeng k@ rihs adjective irritable, stubborn, and quarrelsome. I’m always a bit cantankerous in the morning if I don’t get enough sleep. After his wife left him, he became a bitter…
wo bih gan [or] wo bih gawn adjective displaying or full of distress. The poor dog wears a woebegone look when his master is away. As she was shoved into the dark…
@ gag adjective highly excited and full of anticipation. The townspeople are agog over the visit of the President. When the huge packaged arrived, the children were agog with curiosity.
@ blI vi @n noun definition: the state or condition of being entirely forgotten. example: We know these poems were written, but as they were never published, they are lost to oblivion.
sae kro saengkt adjective 1: regarded as dedicated to holy use or as so sacred as to be immune to desecration; inviolable; consecrate. The tomb is considered sacrosanct. 2: so…