Wordsmyth Dictionary’s Search Filters focus your dictionary search using specific search parameters. Using Search Filters, you can search through all of Wordsmyth’s assets, including: Entries with images or animations Entries with attached…
historical vs. historic
“Historical” and “historic” are obviously related. Both pertain to history or the potential to be remembered in history. However, they rarely overlap in usage. historical “Historical” is the most straightforward term. It…
Grammar and Usage: “cite” vs. “site”
“Cite” and “site” sound alike and are spelled almost the same, but their meanings and functions are quite different. The meanings of “cite” are connected with telling or reporting or documenting. The…
Grammar and Usage: “connote” vs. “denote”
Grammar and Usage: denote vs. connote The word “denote” refers to what a word literally means. For example, the word “beach” denotes an area next to a large body of water, no…
What’s Your Favorite Word?
Do you have a favorite word you’d like to share? Does this word mean something important to you? Is it politically relevant, or has it fallen into obscurity? At Wordsmyth, we want…