ə tho rih teI ri ən of, pertaining to, or advocating complete obedience or subjection to authority, esp. political authority, without concern for individual rights. Czar Alexander II was less authoritarian in…
dak trih neIr dogmatically adhering to a doctrine or theory, regardless of its practicality. He is so doctrinaire in his belief that prisons are evil that he overlooks the need to protect…
pil noun 1. a loud ringing of bells, esp. bells of different tones. At noon the peal of bells fills the square. 2. a loud prolonged noise, as of thunder, laughter, or…
tren ch@nt adjective 1. incisive or penetrating, as perception or wit. This keenly perceptive remark, both sharp and full of truth, is just one example of the writer’s trenchant wit. 2.vigorous and…
flaek noun 1. antiaircraft fire, esp. the bursting shells of such fire. “Now they were greeted by a few bursts of fire, but no heavy flak came at them.” (Rutherford George Montgomery,…