In tər ste lər adjective existing or occurring between or among the stars. Word Parts The word interstellar contains the following parts: inter- Latin prefix that means between, among stell Latin…
in extremis
In ihk stre mis adverb in extremity (Latin); under extreme circumstances or at the point of death. “The eyeballs had rolled up and back somewhat, as they mostly do when a hound…
ihk stre mih ti noun 1. the farthest reach or point of a thing. The extremities of the field were marked by a fence. 2. the greatest degree or utmost extreme. At…
ihk stri mihst noun 1. a person who takes a radical stand and encourages radical action or thinking, esp. in politics. The extremists wish to destroy the republic and bring about a…
ihk strim 1. at the most distant point or outer limit of. Her office was at the extreme end of the hall. These stars are at the extreme edge of our galaxy….