concede kən sid transitive verb 1. to acknowledge the truth, justice, or propriety of; admit. After some argument, he conceded her point. I concede that my son was in the wrong, but I…
encrypt ihn krIpt transitive verb 1. to put (information) into a code, thus protecting it from being read and understood by those not authorized to have access to the information. I’ve been assured…
tr@ vuhrs transitive verb 1. to go over, along, or through; cover or cross. We traversed the county in one day. The terrain was rough and we traversed only ten miles. 2….
suhb tər fyuj noun a stratagem or artifice used to hide, avoid, or deceive. Pretending to be ill was a subterfuge; she simply wished to avoid taking an exam she wasn’t prepared…
streIt noun 1. a narrow channel of water between two larger bodies. The Bering Strait separates Alaska from Russia. 2. (usu. pl.) a condition or position of need, distress, or constraint. She…