sluhr transitive verb 1. to speak of disparagingly; belittle. She would not allow her late husband’s reputation to be slurred, and she demanded that the newspaper print a retraction. 2. to run…
gae bəl intransitive verb 1. to speak rapidly and unclearly; jabber; babble. He had no experience speaking in public and just stood there gabbling for ten minutes. 2. to make a rapid…
frə ne tihk adjective frantic; frenzied. The atmosphere in the emergency room became even more frenetic when victims of a shooting incident were wheeled in.
ae pə ji 1. the point in the orbit of the moon or of a man-made satellite that is farthest from the earth. (Cf. perigee.) When the moon is at apogee, its…
ə sen shən noun 1. the act or process of rising; ascent. 2. (cap.) in Christian theology, the bodily ascent of Jesus Christ to heaven, after his death. 3. (cap.) the festival…