a nə reI ri əm a payment or other reward made to a professional person in recognition of services for which, by tradition, there is no set fee. “Rehearsals begin mid-March and…
a nə reI ri adjective given or held for reasons of public honor only. The best-selling writer has received honorary degrees from several universities.
a n@ rI fihk noun a title, term, or grammatical form communicating respect or honor, used esp. when addressing an elder or social superior. “Ms.,” “Mr.,” and “Doctor,” are honorifics.
pri de stihn transitive verb to determine the unalterable fate or future of, esp. by divine power. Believing she had been predestined to go to Heaven, she sinned without fear. To a…
sa p@ rI fihk adjective 1. causing sleep or sleepiness. The drug is highly soporific and should only be taken at bedtime. 2. sleepy or drowsy. noun a drug, medicine, or the…