fri son noun an intense sensation of excitement or fear that comes on suddenly; thrill. A frisson of excitement shot through her as she realized what an opportunity she’d just been given.
ə ro rə noun 1. in Roman mythology, the goddess of dawn. 2. (l.c.) the dawn or beginning of something. The treaty brought about the aurora of peace. 3. (l.c.) bands or streamers of…
ihm bru transitive verb to wet or saturate with a stain, esp. of blood. You have imbrued your hands in the blood of my countrymen.
yu yu leIt intransitive verb 1. to howl or bay loudly, as a hound. 2. to utter hooting sounds. The crowd cheered and ululated as the player circled the bases to win…
pri tens [or] prih tens 1. an act or instance of pretending; sham or fiction. Her tearful apology was just a pretense since she actually felt no regret for what she had…