traen səm noun 1. a small, hinged window above an interior door, or the crossbar separating the two. 2. the structural crosspiece at the stern of a boat.
veI ləns noun 1. a short decorative piece of drapery placed across the top of a table, canopy, bed frame, or the like. 2. a short decorative drapery, piece of wood, or…
aen ti mə kae sər noun a covering, usu. decorative, used on the back or arms of a chair or sofa to protect the upholstery. The cat sharpens his claws on this…
weIn skət [or] weIn skat noun 1. a paneling or lining, often of wood, covering an interior wall, esp. only the lower part of a wall. 2. the lower part of an…
flIn ti adjective 1. made of or containing flint. flinty soil. 2. hard and inflexible; stern; unyielding.