In tə neI shən noun 1. the pattern of changes in pitch of the speaking or singing voice. In English, rising intonation at the end of a statement usually signals a question….
to təm noun 1. a natural object or living thing, such as an animal, that is taken as the symbol of a family or clan because of a supposed close relationship or…
pə raI ə noun a despised or socially outcast person. Although leprosy ceases to be contagious soon after treatment, in some parts of the world its sufferers are still treated as pariahs.
vI j@l noun 1. a watch or period of surveillance, esp. one kept during normal sleeping hours. She kept her vigil at her mother’s bedside until early morning. People gathered outside for…
pae nə pli noun 1. an impressive covering or array of things. 2. a knight’s full set of armor and arms.