qui·es·cent kwi e sənt adjective in a state of inaction or rest; dormant. example: We played at the base of the quiescent volcano. example: As long as his tuberculosis remained quiescent, he…
latitude lae tih tud noun 1. the angular distance between the equator and a point north or south on the earth’s surface, as measured in degrees. example: New York City and Madrid…
blithe blaIth or blaIth adjective 1. carefree and gay in manner or disposition. example: The faces of these blithe and healthy children cheered her. example: Her blithe manner belied her deep and somber…
nepotism ne pə tih zəm noun favoritism shown to a near relative, as in preferential hiring or patronage. example: The governor was accused of nepotism after he hired his mother to fill…
austere aw stir adjective 1. having a stern or solemn appearance or personality. example: The austere clergyman was somewhat frightening to the children. 2. having nothing more than what is strictly necessary;…