shib·bo·leth shI bə leth shI bə lihth noun 1. a slogan, phrase, or belief that characterizes or is held devotedly by a group. example: “No new taxes” is now a shibboleth of…
rend rend transitive verb 1. to tear or separate into pieces with force or violence. example: He rent his clothing in a fit of fury. 2. to disturb as if by tearing….
chat·e·laine shae tə leIn or shat ə len noun 1. the mistress of a castle or large household. 2. a clasp worn at the waist, from which chains extend for holding keys…
su·per·im·pose su pər ihm poz transitive verb to set or lay on top of or above something. example: We superimposed a grid on the original map. example: They have tried to superimpose…
in·cur·sion ihn kuhr zhən noun 1. a raid or sudden invasion. example: Our troops led an incursion on the small village. 2. an encroachment or inroad. example: She resented this incursion on her…