ə poz transitive verb to place next to or side by side; juxtapose. example: He apposed the edges before sewing the seam.
ihm broIl transitive verb 1. to involve in conflict. example: The small nation embroiled its neighbor in a dispute over boundary lines. example: Don’t embroil me in your squabbles! 2. to confuse…
gə lor adverb in great numbers; abundantly. example: I thought, when I graduated from college, that there would be job opportunities galore.
pI təns noun 1. a contemptibly small portion, amount, or payment. example: The money she received from her investment was no more than a pittance. 2. an allowance so small as to…
Meet the “Dame of Dictionaries.”
“I read and read and read and read and read,” she says. In fifth grade, her parents gave her a Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, and that changed everything. “It unlocked the world for me…