1. of, like, pertaining to, or having the nature of an oracle; prophetic; wise; mysterious.
The economist’s advice was considered oracular and they acted in accordance with it.
2. making utterances and decisions as if by divine authority or inspiration.
Everyone treated her as an oracular figure and hung on her every word.
3. difficult to understand; enigmatic; obscure.
“Is the wench turned silly,” exclaimed the lady, something angrily, “that she does not obey my orders, and return at regular hours?” “She may be turning silly,” said Ellesmere mysteriously; “or she may be turning too sly; and I think it were as well your ladyship looked to it.” “Looked to what, Ellesmere?” said the lady impatiently. “You are strangely oracular this morning.” Sir Walter Scott, Peveril of the Peak