As educators, we are all aware that learning words parts, particularly Greek and Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes can help students guess the meaning of new words as well as help them recall the meaning of words that they have previously been exposed to. Such learning can be of vast benefit to vocabulary acquisition. In addition, learning suffixes, such as the Latin suffixes “-ness” and “-ment” and the suffix “-ly” from Old English, can help students understand the grammatical meanings attached to words and see how different forms of words are related to each other.
As you may know, Wordsmyth has a word parts database integrated within its dictionaries. The Word Parts feature is displayed within relevant dictionary entries and is designed to support both native-speaking students and English Language Learners in their understanding of roots and affixes and to help them make use of word parts information to expand their vocabulary. The word parts data as a whole can be viewed by looking under Search Tools in our dictionary and clicking on A-Z Word Parts. Here you will find a comprehensive, alphabetical listing of roots and affixes that is searchable. (Word Parts can be accessed with your Wordsmyth subscription or with a 15-day free trial. Don’t forget to turn on the feature in your settings.)
Below is a special list we’ve created from information in our word parts database that teachers may find helpful in introducing Greek and Latin roots in grades 3 to 5. (Download as PDF). Additional example words for each root in the list below can easily be found by going to A-Z Word Parts, filtering the list there for “Roots,” and browsing through the list. One may also use the search box on the A-Z Word Parts page to search the list for a particular root. The A-Z Word Parts list contains, of course, many more roots (as well as other affixes) than are listed below.
roots | meaning | example words |
agri | soil, earth, field | agriculture, agronomy |
aqu | water | aquarium, aqua, aquaculture |
astro | star | astronaut, astronomy, astrology |
auto | self | automatic, autograph, autobiography |
cent | hundred | century, cent, centipede |
cap | head | captain, capital, capitalize |
dent | teeth | dentist, dental |
dict | tell | dictionary, predict, dictator |
gram | write | telegram, diagram, grammar |
graph | write | telegraph, geography, graphics |
mob, mot | move | mobile, motion, motor |
ped | foot | pedal, pedestrian, centipede |
phon | sound | telephone, microphone, symphony |
phot | light | photograph, photosynthesis |
port | carry | transport, import, portable |
rupt | break | erupt, interrupt, disrupt |
scrib, script | write | scribble, prescription, script |
sol | sun | solar system, parasol |
sol | alone | solo, solitaire |
spect | look | inspect, spectator, spectacles |
spher | ball | spherical, hemisphere |
stell | star | constellation, stellar |
struct | build | construct, structure |
tele | distance | telephone, telescope, television |
See also:
Word Parts II: basic suffixes
Word Parts III: Intermediate level suffixes
Word Parts IV: basic prefixes
Learn more about the Wordsmyth word parts database and how this unique feature can be used in facilitating vocabulary learning and teaching.