Our dictionary database is updated for 2025!
Wordsmyth puts great effort each year into keeping its dictionaries up to date. In 2024, we focused particularly on the expansion of the newly released Elementary Children’s Dictionary, a part of the Wordsmyth Children’s Dictionary Suite, by making sure that words used in definitions in the Intermediate Children’s Dictionary were also well-covered at the elementary level and carefully defined in that dictionary’s simple, explanatory style.
Wordsmyth’s flawlessly-designed leveled dictionaries, in combination with the Wordsmyth Vocabulary Inventory (WVI), form the basis of Wordsmyth’s vocabulary system, which is a collection of tools to support school teachers and individual language learners of all ages. In the Vocabulary Center, teachers can create personalized wordlists at the appropriate levels for their students and use these lists with vocabulary tools to help them improve their English vocabulary systematically and efficiently through both practice activities and entertaining games. In the Teacher Tools, teachers can create and assign vocabulary lessons tailored to their students’ learning goals and keep track of their students’ progress.
Simple dictionary-only site
Some English language learners and parents of young children prefer a simple, no-distraction dictionary environment just for looking up words. If this is what you are looking for too, please bookmark the following URLs:
- Comprehensive Dictionary Suite for high school students and adult English language learners
- Children’s Dictionary for elementary and middle school students
- Wordsmyth Illustrated Learner’s Dictionary (WILD) for K-2nd grade learners
To get a complete, no-distraction dictionary environment, please subscribe to our website to remove ads. Your subscription will support us so that we may continue to provide the best educational dictionaries and vocabulary learning tools online. We appreciate your support!
Highlighting Wordsmyth”s “hidden feature”–the thesaurus!
We’re often asked, “Where’s the thesaurus in your dictionary?” What some users don’t recognize right away is that synonyms, similar words, and antonyms are matched with each sense of a word and appear directly under the appropriate definition for a particular headword. A user doesn’t need to click anywhere to get thesaurus information for the word they’ve looked up and doesn’t need to leave the page in order to see it. In other words, the thesaurus is not a separate entity, but something built into the dictionary entries themselves. This is why we call it an “integrated thesaurus.” If it’s indeed a “hidden feature,” then it’s hiding in plain sight!
Learn more about Wordsmyth features.