1. having no permanent home; wandering from place to place; nomadic.
These vagabond traders made a few stops in the town each year.
2. leading a carefree or idle life.
The vagabond youths traveled across the country, enjoying their freedom until their money ran out.
3. unable to cope with responsibility; shiftless; careless.
He complains that his “vagabond son” still hasn’t found himself a job.
1. one who lacks a permanent home and wanders from place to place; nomad.
The vagabonds camped at the edge of the city.
2. a person who has no obvious means of support or who wanders between occasional jobs; drifter; vagrant.
Judging from his torn and dirty clothes, she nearly mistook her uncle for vagabond.
3. one who is unable to cope with responsibility; idler; loafer.
He spent his youth as a vagabond, rarely working and always sponging off his friends.